You've been offered a place at Cavalry. What next?

New to Reception Sept 2025

You've been offered a place at Cavalry. What next?
Primary School offers will be made on April 16th
You've had an offer of a place in Reception at Cavalry...
Firstly, welcome to the Cavalry family! If you have been offered a place in Reception you will need to contact the school to confirm that you will be accepting the place.
You will soon receive a letter from Mrs Edwards to invite you to attend a New Reception Parents Evening. You will be introduced to the Reception team, along with other members of staff who will be helping your child settle into our school and they will be available for questions and any further information you may require. You will receive an information pack and will be given dates for your child's visits in the summer term, parent meetings with the class teacher and parent workshops. You will be able to visit the classrooms, outdoor learning environment and have a tour of the school. Representatives from our school community council will be there, alongside Cavalry PTFA and you can find out more about the great ways they support our pupils and school and you may even consider joining the PTFA!
Please do pop the dates for meetings and visits in your diary now, they are very important to help settle your child in to a smooth transition to school!
We will be keeping you up to date with life at Cavalry and we can assure you of a smooth transition to Reception for your child. 
New Reception Parent's Evening - 5th June 2025, 6pm
Children's class visits - Weeks beginning 30th June and 7th July
Parent/carer workshop - 2nd and 3rd September
Children start full time - 4th September 
Let's Talk Letters...
Of course we wouldn't be disappointed if your child started school knowing some of the letters in their name or able to write their name BUT we by no means expect every child to be able to write their name. We would prefer your child to start with
  • an inquisitive mind and the confidence to explore
  • the determination to dress themselves, even having the resilience to put on those tricky, wriggly socks
  • the kindness to share toys with new friends
  • being able to go to the toilet independently
At Cavalry we follow the Read, Write Inc scheme and we teach letter formation in a specific way. We teach an awareness of capital letters but expect them only to be used for the start of the child's name. Each letter we teach has a little saying to help us to remember how to form the letter correctly. You will be given a sheet showing how we form letters and a copy of the letter formation sayings at one of your child's visits. Keep it handy, use it often! You'll be talking about dinosaur bottoms and Maisie's mountain in no time!
Did you know, your child possesses a 'super subitising' brain? Now, you might be wondering what on earth subitising is and how it got into your child's brain! Don't worry, here's Karen Wilding (Mrs Wilson's hero) to explain a little more... 
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Eco school
Cavalry is proud to have an active Eco Committee of children from KS2, working in conjunction with members of our staff and PTFA. As well as taking steps to reduce our single use plastic, compost our food waste and save energy where we can, we also have these helpful schemes for parents.
Yes, you read that right. It may surprise you but in one term (14 weeks) we accumulated 10 bin liners of uncollected lost property which was sent to local charity shops. What a waste! A waste of your money and of decent clothing. We decided that this was just not acceptable. And so, in our bid to 'reduce, reuse and recycle' we started the big uniform swap. Basically, any uncollected lost property is gathered up, washed and sorted. We then hold days/evenings throughout the year for parents and carers to come and take anything they need. Absolutely free of charge and helping Cavalry to be more environmentally friendly. Parents and carers are also encouraged to donate any good quality items, including wellies, that their children have outgrown, so that these can be offered too. We will be offering you the chance to take some uniform when your child comes for their visits in June and July. You can request uniform at other times of the year too, and our uniform will be available at our school summer fair.
Keep up-to-date with all things Cavalry
Getting to know more about Cavalry couldn't be easier. So, you've already found our website (don't forget to check regularly for updates!) but there's so many other ways to keep abreast of life at Cavalry and to get involved too!
We have an active Facebook page for curriculum updates from each year group, sporting and music events, important notices and soooo much more! Follow us on @CavalryMarch
Our PTFA work tirelessly to hold the most amazing events for our children and have purchased much needed equipment across the school from Nursery to Year 6. Follow them on Facebook @CavalryPTFA or even better, come to one of their meetings and learn more about how you can be involved!
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School Games Platinum 19-20
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