On Friday, some Year 5 and 6 students attended a netball competition at Wisbech Grammar School, Wisbech. It was a great morning where all children represented the school brilliantly.
It is amazing to see the children using the skills learnt during PE lessons and in outside of school clubs.
Last week, it was hula hooping week. All children had a go at hula hooping several times throughout the week with a focus on determination and self-belief. It was great to see so many children wanting to do it at every opportunity. We even had a competition during the KS2 achievement assembly with a representative from each class taking part.
#ThisGirlCan 'Biggest Ever Football Session'
Over 285,000 girls took part in the 'Biggest Ever Football Session' across the country with Cavalry contributing 82 to this total with the support from Matthew Foy from 'Football Fun Factory'.
Today 20 girls travelled over to Thomas Clarkson Academy for a girls football festival. Everyone had great fun and learnt many new skills. The girls all behaved fantastically and were a credit to the school. Well done girls!
Our girls sports club runs every Friday for years 4-6 if any other girls are interested in joining! 

Dodgeball on Friday- a great end to the half-term for Miss Bourlet's #thisgirlcan club!
Today, a total of 395 children from Cavalry Primary School ran for a total of 10 minutes for Friendship Run Week. All classes, including nursery, took the opportunity to get moving. What an active way to end this half-term!
This Girl CAN sports club (run by Miss Bourlet), had great fun on Friday playing bench ball! They firstly practised throwing and catching a ball, before using their skills in a very competitive game!
Year 5 and 6 children have also been invited to apply for an 'Active Crew' role in school. This role will involve supporting and promoting physical activity in school.