At Cavalry, we are incredibly proud to offer a wide range of extra-curricular musical activities.
Here is all the information you need about the clubs, ensembles and activities that our children can get involved in!
Brass and Woodwind Lessons - Mr Wilson and Mrs Wheeler
We currently have fifty children in Years 3-6 who are learning an instrument. With our amazing peripatetic music teachers, Mr Wilson and Mrs Wheeler, we offer lessons on the trumpet, tenor horn, trombone, clarinet and flute.
The children get opportunities to perform at school events and can be part of our Concert Band.
Concert Band - Mr Harding
The Cavalry Concert Band consists of around twenty-five instrumentalists, including both children and staff members. The band perform regularly in school and can often be seen performing for events in and around March. They play a selection of popular music that is both challenging and fun to play.
Junior Choir - Mr Harding and Mrs Brown
The Junior Choir is open to all children in Year 1 and Year 2. We are so impressed that almost 30 children attend weekly lunchtime rehearsals and perform so confidently for their parents, carers and the school community.
Senior Choir - Mrs Edwards, Mr Day and Mr Webb
From Year 3, the children are able to join the Senior Choir. The choir has a long history of performing challenging and impressive repertoire and always impress audiences whenever they perform. The choir has grown recently and currently welcomes over thirty children to their weekly rehearsals.
Recorder Clubs - Miss Wirth, Mrs Megicks and Mrs Edwards
We have three recorder clubs at Cavalry - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. These clubs are a fantastic way to learn how to play an instrument and to read music. All children from Year 1 are welcome to join in!
Percussion Club - Mr Harding and Mrs Morris
We have recently restarted our percussion club, giving children the opportunity to learn to play a wider range of instruments, including steel pans, glockenspiels and boomwhackers. We are looking forward to growing this club and cannot wait to begin performing.
Our music timetable
Day |
Lunchtime |
After-School |
Monday |
Senior Recorders |
Senior Choir |
Tuesday |
Percussion Club |
Wednesday |
Concert Band |
Thursday |
Beginner Recorders Intermediate Recorders |
Friday |
Junior Choir |
Woodwind Lessons - All day Wednesday
Brass Lessons - All day Tuesday
It was also fantastic to see so many of our Cavalry pupils taking part in the celebrations with their community groups, well done to all! What a great day we all had!